Breathing Meditation
Breathing Back To You
One of the easiest strategies to lower stress is to focus on your breath with a breathing meditation. It is a form of entry level meditation that anyone can do. You'll notice an immediate awareness of relaxation that could help protect your health in no time at all.
Breathing meditation can be a gateway into a broader practice of mindfulness in which you learn to accept and appreciate what comes in life and also to stop fighting your own thoughts and feelings. Breath awareness is a type of breathing meditation that encourages mindful breathing. Clients breathe slowly and deeply, counting their breaths or otherwise focusing on their breaths. The goal is to focus only on breathing and also to disregard other thoughts that come into your mind.
Breathing meditation offers many of the same benefits as mindfulness. Those include decreased anxiety, improved concentration and greater emotional flexibility.
Mindful breathing meditation is a gentle attention on the breath, coming in and going out. Not trying to modify your breathing in any way…with zero expectations. Straightforward experience of each breath moment to moment.
Breathing meditation is a very essential yet strong mindfulness meditation practice. The idea is to concentrate on your breathing’s natural rhythm and flow and also how it feels on each inhale and exhale. Focusing on the breath is particularly helpful because it serves as an anchor to place your attention on at any time you begin to feel stressed or triggered from negative emotions.
If relaxation is not the end goal of breathing meditation; it is always the byproduct at a bare minimum. In the 1970’s, Herbert Benson, MD, a researcher at Harvard University Medical School, coined the term "relaxation response" immediately after conducting research on those that practiced transcendental meditation. The relaxation response, is an opposite, involuntary response that causes a reduction of pressure/stress within their sympathetic nervous system.
Since that time, reports on the relaxation response have documented the following short-term advantages to the nervous system:
Reduced Blood-pressure
Increased Blood Circulation
Lower Coronary Heart Rate
Less Perspiration
Slower Respiratory Rate
Less Overall Stress
Reduced Blood Cortisol Levels
Feelings Of Well-being
In Buddhist philosophy, the ultimate benefit of breathing meditation is liberation of their mind from attachment to things it cannot control. The liberated or enlightened no longer wants or clings to experiences; but instead maintains a calm mind and sense of inner harmony.
Below is a quick method explaining how to do breathing meditation:
Sit or lie comfortably.
You may even desire to invest in a meditation chair or cushion.
Close your eyes.
Make no effort to control the breath…simply breathe naturally.
Concentrate on your breath and on your body with every inhalation and exhalation.
Notice the movement of your body while you breathe.
Relax your chest, shoulders, rib cage, along with your stomach.
Focus on your breath without controlling its pace or intensity.
If your mind wanders, return your focus back to your breath.
Do this meditation for 2 to 3 minutes to start; and then try it for longer periods.
There are various other breathing meditation tactics. For example, an everyday breathing meditation practice among Buddhist monks focuses directly on the cultivation of compassion. This involves envisioning negative events and recasting them in a certain light by transforming them through compassion.
You will find many common types of meditation practices at Breathing Back To you:
Healing Meditation
Breathing Meditation
Grounding Meditation
Spiritual Meditation
Full Moon Meditation
Root Chakra Meditation
Spirit Guide Meditation
Crystal Meditation
Meditation Retreats
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Breathing meditation is a way to train the human mind in the same way that fitness is an approach to training the body. Breathing meditation encourages you to observe wandering thoughts as they drift past your mind. The intention is to not get involved with all the thoughts or even to evaluate them; but rather to make note of each thought as it arises.
When you meditate, you can see how your thoughts and feelings go in particular patterns. Breathing meditation can wipe away depression, bringing with it inner peace. Breathing meditation does not involve pushing away negative thoughts or pretending you never have them. Instead, you notice and accept them and then peacefully let them go.
Stress is a main trigger for depression and breathing meditation can alter your reaction to all of those feelings. Breathing meditation trains the brain to hold sustained attention and also to return to that attention when negative thinking, emotions, and bodily sensations intrude. Breathing meditation was found to change certain brain regions that are specifically linked with depression.
Breathing meditation can also help prepare the brain for stressful situations. For example, meditating for a few moments before a doctor's appointment or social situation can help alter the brain and body out of this stress response and into a state of relative calm.
Men and women who meditate often report improvements physically, mentally and spiritually. To begin a breathing meditation practice, you need to find a peaceful location, far from the phone, television, friends, family members as well as any other distractions. You'll find there are a number of different techniques to meditate. Give Breathing Back To You a call and start your Breathing Meditation journey today!